Succulento: Range rebranding

Case study

Dami and Ify at Succulento started their business with a range of bottled ketchups and table sauces.

At a point of product reformulation, I was asked to elevate the branding as a platform for future products and growth.

Reflecting back to my time in classical marketing at Young & Rubicam, one of the great strategy principles, was, when ideating competitive brand propositions, to take the high ground. It’s as relevant to smaller growth businesses as it is the multinationals we were dealing with at the time.

Back to Succulento; I identified two big ideas to focus the new branding around.

When it comes to the taste attribute, the idea that table sauces are intended to accentuate the flavour experience of meals, and the roots of the name Succulento in the idea of succulence.

So, I created the brand proposition, makes taste tastier.

Honestly, it’s the most powerful three words I’ve written for food; when it comes to the taste attribute, what more could a consumer want than for taste to be tastier.

And, with my amazing designer-illustrator, we encapsulated makes TASTE tastier into an icon to feature on the label, and across the branding.

And, we brought this, and the idea of succulence, to life with the fluid hand-lettered logo design, tasty lips icon, and bursts of flavour in a coloured pattern framework composed of small ingredient icons.

I also art-directed the food photography, produced a sales presenter, and built a new WordPress website for the business, which has since been redeveloped by the client.

After we delivered the rebranding and six label designs, I handed off the assets to my client for their onward development. All credit to Dami and Ify for still thriving in today's market.

Proposition & copywriting
B2B marketing materials
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Dami at Succulento said...

We love our new branding, Richard offered us clever ideas and inspiring designs throughout the project. We're more ready than ever to make taste tastier for our customers!

Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image
Richard Reeves website Succulento case study image