FareShare: Identity redesign

Case study

FareShare is the national charity that redistributes surplus food across the UK to charities and community groups for use as meals for vulnerable people.

FareShare wanted to modernise their identity to build on their existing image and communicate the caring contribution the organisation makes to people in need.

My team and I progressed through a staged identity project from stakeholder research, through identity creation, and application across media.

We also worked on the innovation of an associated B2B business, FareShare 1st, that was being developed to work with corporates on surplus food management.

FareShare’s identity is much-loved, and has stood the test of time. You may see it driving along a street near you. It always makes me smile when I do!

Stakeholder research
Identity redesign
FareShare's marketing director said...

Richard knows how to get to the heart of a brand brilliantly. He and his team enlivened our plans for the organisation, and the new identity has received powerful positive reactions from all who have seen it.

Richard Reeves website FareShare case study image
Richard Reeves website FareShare case study image
Richard Reeves website FareShare case study image
Richard Reeves website FareShare case study image
Richard Reeves website FareShare case study image